Parenthood is so full of challenges, so demanding and yet so rewarding. It is a vocation of the heart, a calling that requires nothing less than everything. It is a blessing that delivers more joy than I deserve. Yet, as we live from day to day, we parents often lose sight of those blessings. As the daily demands take their toll, we often forget that these beautiful little beings are the be-all and end-all. We can so easily become complacent and take them for granted.

Parenthood is so full of challenges, so demanding and yet so rewarding. It is a vocation of the heart, a calling that requires nothing less than everything. It is a blessing that delivers more joy than I deserve. Yet, as we live from day to day, we parents often lose sight of those blessings. As the daily demands take their toll, we often forget that these beautiful little beings are the be-all and end-all. We can so easily become complacent and take them for granted.