To be at peace in this season is to remember that there are many sources of light. The fire and the candle flame illumine our homes. However, there are other forms of light that cannot be extinguished and which we too often lose sight of. There is the light that shines perpetually from the eyes of your beloved. There is the light that radiates from the gentle smile of a child, the sweet glow that fills the room as you gather with those you cherish to chat, wine and dine. There is the light that fills a person’s life whenever they receive consoling words of comfort or kindness.

To be at peace in this season is to remember that there are many sources of light. The fire and the candle flame illumine our homes. However, there are other forms of light that cannot be extinguished and which we too often lose sight of.
There is the light that shines perpetually from the eyes of your beloved. There is the light that radiates from the gentle smile of a child, the sweet glow that fills the room as you gather with those you cherish to chat, wine and dine. There is the light that fills a person’s life whenever they receive consoling words of comfort or kindness.