Music is the medium of the heart, that which summons the angels to our side. Without it, we simply cannot find consolation. It is a soothing balm for the soul, a gateway to all that is good. In sipping to these sounds, you begin to see meaning in the midst of the madness. The trees outside, the grass, the evening breeze – all these begin to offer up their secrets. Somehow, you begin to feel at home once more in the world.

Music is the medium of the heart, that which summons the angels to our side. Without it, we simply cannot find consolation. It is a soothing balm for the soul, a gateway to all that is good. In sipping to these sounds, you begin to see meaning in the midst of the madness. The trees outside, the grass, the evening breeze – all these begin to offer up their secrets. Somehow, you begin to feel at home once more in the world.